Should I Go on a Second Date?

A first date naturally comes with hopes and expectations. You want to make a good impression, yet a first date isn’t always your best impression.  If you and/or your date are more introverted, you may find the conversation is a bit awkward. You may find yourself being interviewed, or interviewing your date.  You or your date may be nervous. You or your date drank too much to help take the edge off. You may have mentioned your ex or made another first date faux pas. It happens all the time.

All of this could turn a first date into a big bowl of wrong.

A client went on a first date and here is how it netted out...  

His feedback

Attractive - check

Smart - check

Good connection? No

Her feedback

Attractive - Check

Smart - Check

Good connection? Meh. A bit superficial. He didn’t seem interested in getting to know me.

Why?  He couldn’t hear her!  The restaurant had live music playing and she is a soft talker. To him, every other word she said was inaudible. Yet she heard him perfectly and didn’t know he couldn’t hear her. Net result - a missed connection. She walked away from the date feeling the conversation was superficial, and he left with not even knowing if there was any “there” there.

Normally, this would be the end. Both people didn’t feel like it clicked. Yet with his awareness and the connecting of the dots, they are going out again.  Both are giving it a second chance.

Which brings me to a podcast that makes a compelling case for the second date.  If you are on the fence, listen to this podcast episode from my friend Erika’s “So we met online” podcast.