The Tall Man Bias — San Francisco Matchmaker | The Harvard MBA Matchmaker | Shannon's Circle

The Tall Man Bias

As a matchmaker, I get the opportunity to meet with a lot of singles to find the “one” for my clients. Each month I usually speak to 80 singles of various ages and stages.  

What do you think women almost always mention that men never mention? Height!

Women tell me 90% of the time that they are attracted to a tall man, and their future mate needs to be a certain height.  They will say “I like to wear heels”, or “He needs to be at least 6 feet tall”.  

Mind you, these conversations are often with evolved women who are highly educated, have great careers, and are way beyond their high school years of chasing the quarterback. What is going on?  

Do they know they are shrinking their dating pool by 86% since only 14% of men in the US are over 6-feet-tall?

We know that in the caveman days that being protected and having a man literally bring home the bacon made the difference between life and death.  

Are women hard wired for height? Or is it an “antiquated societal bias” as this captivating NY Times Article by Mara Altman coins? 

In her article she exposes this bias:

The echoes of these early human desires and biases have stuck in our minds like a particularly catchy marketing jingle, so much so that we vote for tall candidates assuming that they are better leaders and often choose tall people as partners with no definitive data that they make better spouses. John Kenneth Galbraith, the 6-foot-8-inch economist and diplomat, suggested that favoring the tall was “one of the most blatant and forgiven prejudices in our society.”

We know that bigger is not always better. Who you select as a partner is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make in your lifetime, and having an abundance of choice will help you find the right fit.  Don’t limit yourself to 14% of single men.

The good news is, we as human beings evolve. My hope for the future is that two people meet, regardless of height, to explore a real authentic connection.
